Mr. Preamp and Banjolit products undergo rigorous quality control before they are sent to our customers.
We offer a 14-day return period (Money Back Guarantee) from the time that your items were received. In order to qualify for a return, your item(s) must be in the same condition that you received them in with all of the original packaging (pedal, box, bag, sticker, manual etc.). If items are not in like-new condition with original packaging contents, a 25% restocking fee may be applied. You will be responsible for paying the shipping costs of your returned item and shipping costs are non-refundable .Once your return is approved, we’ll speedily process your refund, and you should see it back in your account within 5-10 days.
If you are happy with your Mr. Preamp product, register your Preamp or D.I. to get 3 year non‑transferable warranty. The warranty will cover component and manufacturing defects for the specified period starting from the purchase date. The warranty does not cover damage arising from misuse or improper handling. Any modification or repair undertaken by anyone other than Mr. Preamp team will void the warranty.
For other products (microphone, apparel, merchandise etc.) warranty period is 24 months and commences on the purchase date. Registration is not required.
For products sold in B-Stock at a lower price due to a defect, the Seller provides a warranty period of 24 months, while the warranty does not apply to defects for which the price was reduced; such defects are stated on product page in the B-Stock.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at
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